6 03, 2020

How to avoid the Coronavirus and what is an FBO?

By |2020-03-06T21:55:14-06:00March 6th, 2020|Educational|

When passengers charter a private flight, they expect nothing but the best. Private travel has come to be associated with luxury, privacy, and comfort, but it's also secure. Private aircraft are by far the best means of travel to avoid things like the current novel Coronavirus. VREF has been receiving several calls and emails from people asking if chartering an aircraft is safe. The answer is yes, and FBO's are one of the main reasons why. Private aircraft [...]

26 02, 2020

What You Should Know Before Buying a Used Aircraft

By |2020-02-26T22:33:04-06:00February 26th, 2020|Educational|

Are you buying a used aircraft? There are some things you need to know. Buying a used plane is a big deal. There's a considerable amount of money involved, so if you're not confident in what you're doing, a lot can go wrong. Today is your lucky day. In this post, we're going to give you a few tips on buying your first aircraft. Deciding to buy an aircraft, especially your first, is stressful, but once you close, [...]

26 02, 2020

What to Expect When You Charter A Jet

By |2020-02-26T22:06:25-06:00February 26th, 2020|Educational|

If you are trying to upgrade your lifestyle and the way that you travel, you can't go wrong with booking a private jet. Not only is private jet travel convenient, but it is also a greener form of travel than commercial aircraft. A huge benefit from flying private is that not only do you get to avoid the TSA line, but you also get to prevent contact with potentially millions of travelers. As the Coronavirus continues to spark fear, [...]

26 02, 2020

YouTube Aviation Channels You Must Subscribe to as a Plane Enthusiast

By |2020-02-26T21:33:08-06:00February 26th, 2020|Educational|

YouTube has more than two billion monthly users. Together, they watch a collective 250 million hours of content every day. You might live and breathe aviation, but are you a true aircraft enthusiast if you don't leverage this massive video-sharing platform to learn more about your favorite topic? Thankfully, YouTube is more than just cute kittens and pandas on slides. You can also use it as an incredible learning tool. Multiple YouTube aviation channels cater to viewers, just like [...]

21 02, 2020

How Much Does It Really Cost: Calculating the Operating Costs of a Jet

By |2020-02-21T22:12:28-06:00February 21st, 2020|Educational|

Commercial air travel is exhausting, but there's a new alternative: flying a privately-owned jet. Flying private used to be a privilege for the ultra-rich, but jets have become more accessible. While your private flight may now be within reach, the operating costs remain a challenge. Determining Jet Operating Costs Calculating operating costs takes more than adding up your fuel and pilot salaries. Each model has its pros and cons, and the costs of a jet begin when you [...]

3 02, 2020

Why the Piston Aircraft Makes Good Business Sense

By |2020-02-03T16:17:11-06:00February 3rd, 2020|Educational|

When most people think of an airplane, they think of the ultra-luxury, sexy, business jets owned by the rich and often famous. They imagine one of the giant people-movers—the Boeing 787 or Airbus A380, or an aircraft commonly seen departing your local airport. What most people overlook, because of its ever-present nature, is the piston-engine airplane. It's been around for over a century, since the dawn of flight actually, and although it may be unglamorous, it remains an aerospace mainstay. [...]

28 01, 2020

A Step-By-Step Guide to Walk You Through the Process of Obtaining an Airplane Loan

By |2020-01-28T17:43:05-06:00January 28th, 2020|Educational|

The highest cost of owning an aircraft is the cost of the plane itself. For those who are looking for financing options, keep reading, and I'll tell you to want you to need to know about aircraft loans. Airplane Loan Options There are two common types of loans that you can use to buy an aircraft. Let's take a closer look at each one so you can decide which is right for you. Asset-Based Loans This type of loan was [...]

21 01, 2020

Always Listening: 4 Facts You Never Knew About the Black Box

By |2020-01-21T22:22:40-06:00January 21st, 2020|Educational|

Boeing has been at the forefront of the media for most of the past year, and with 207 airplane crashes in 2019 and the numerous issues with the 737 Max, we often get asked what a black box is? Aircraft are by far the safest way to travel, but accidents happen, and when they do, it is the FAA's job to determine what happened so that it can be prevented from occurring again. In the event of an accident, [...]

21 01, 2020

Who Needs A Captain: 5 Celebrities Who are Also Pilots

By |2020-01-21T22:08:08-06:00January 21st, 2020|Educational|

If you think piloting attracts a specific personality type, think again. The love of flight draws a diverse demographic from old to young, rich to poor, and even many celebrities. It may surprise you to learn which of your favorite on-screen actors are also real-life pilots.  1. Morgan Freeman This 82-year-old actor is famous for his deep, likable voice and his endless silver-screen appearances. But before he became Lucius Fox or the "voice" of God, Morgan Freeman worked as an [...]

21 01, 2020

What is Fractional Jet Ownership? A Definitive Guide To Everything You Need to Know

By |2020-01-21T21:43:32-06:00January 21st, 2020|Educational|

It's no secret that private jet ownership is one of the most significant transportation expenses you'll incur. Thankfully, you don't have to be a billionaire to have your jet at your disposal when you need to head off on an unplanned business trip. If you're not sure whether a private jet is an expense you're ready to take on, then fractional jet ownership is a popular option. Not familiar with fractional jet ownership or how it works? Read [...]

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