4 02, 2025

How Does Sustainable Aviation Fuel Affect Private Plane Performance?

2025-02-04T11:08:57-06:00February 4th, 2025|Educational|

According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) could contribute around 65% of the reduction in emissions needed by aviation to reach net zero CO2 emissions by 2050. So, what’s the deal with SAF, and why can’t it be used for every aircraft in the skies? Examine the complexities of SAF in aviation and how it can affect private aircraft performance. Explore VREF's aircraft appraisal services. What To Know About Sustainable Aviation Fuel & [...]

4 02, 2025

What Are The Actual Costs Of Owning A Private Plane Versus Chartering?

2025-02-04T10:52:56-06:00February 4th, 2025|Educational|

Don’t be fooled – owning a private plane versus chartering one requires completely different levels of responsibility for passengers, aircraft owners, and charter companies. From incident liability and insurance coverage to conducting routine maintenance and timely inspections, remaining proactive as an aircraft owner is critical to operating an aircraft safely and efficiently.  The best way to answer this question is by going back and asking what you need from a private aircraft. Ask probing questions to get to [...]

2 01, 2025

What Happens When You Neglect To Get Your Aircraft Appraised?

2025-01-02T15:40:56-06:00January 2nd, 2025|Educational|

Getting an aircraft appraisal is an essential part of aircraft ownership. An appraisal is sometimes seen as an unnecessary expense or another item on your maintenance checklist, however, neglecting aircraft appraisals can have serious consequences beyond simple market value assessments.  Understanding the true value of your aviation assets is necessary for you to:  Meet aircraft insurance requirements Avoid being over or underinsured Provide reliable documentation for legal and insurance claim disputes Acquire financing and ensure smooth transactions Eliminate [...]

6 12, 2024

20 Common Mistakes In Aircraft Logbook Maintenance & How To Avoid Them

2024-12-06T13:05:17-06:00December 6th, 2024|Educational|

Complete, detailed logbooks are the only ones that matter in aviation. Some of the most common mistakes in aircraft logbook maintenance typically don’t result in major setbacks for aircraft owners.  However, some mistakes could impact your logbook credibility and overall aircraft value. Missing logbooks can cause a significant double-digit loss – anywhere between 40% and 60% of the total aircraft value. Avoid the most common mistakes aircraft owners make to ensure more accurate and reliable aircraft maintenance records [...]

8 11, 2024

The Importance Of Pre-Purchase Inspections In Aircraft Buying

2024-11-08T11:33:06-06:00November 8th, 2024|Educational|

When buying an aircraft, the importance of pre-purchase inspections cannot be overstated. This crucial step acts as a safeguard, better ensuring that your investment is sound and that you fully understand the aircraft's condition before finalizing its purchase. The importance of pre-purchase inspections in aircraft buying can be the difference between making an informed or bad financial decision. Regardless of the aircraft you end up with, getting a pre-purchase inspection puts you in a better buying position than [...]

8 11, 2024

What Can Go Wrong With Improper Aircraft Maintenance?

2024-11-08T11:28:33-06:00November 8th, 2024|Educational|

In aviation, improper aircraft maintenance can cost owners more time and money in the long run. When safety is a priority, regular upkeep is essential for ensuring optimal performance and protecting the lives of passengers and crew.  Neglecting maintenance leads to dire consequences, ranging from safety hazards to unexpected financial burdens. When essential upkeep is overlooked, the risks escalate, potentially resulting in costly repairs and operational disruptions.  Want to talk to an expert? Contact VREF today. 8 Critical [...]

8 11, 2024

Piper Cherokee PA-28-160

2024-11-08T11:23:50-06:00November 8th, 2024|Educational|

Piper Aircraft Established in 1927 on the brink of the Great Depression by Clarence and Gordon Taylor, Piper initially operated under “Taylor Aircraft Manufacturing Company”. The founders aimed to create dependable and innovative aircraft. Tragically, just a year after the company's inception, Gordon died in an aircraft accident. After Gordon’s death, prominent businessman William Piper persuaded Clarence to keep the company thriving in Pennsylvania. They found early success with the Piper Cub, a model designed by the Taylor [...]

8 11, 2024

Mooney M20R Ovation

2024-11-08T10:57:34-06:00November 8th, 2024|Educational|

Mooney Founded in 1929 by brothers Albert and Arthur Mooney in Wichita, Kansas, Mooney International Corporation has navigated a tumultuous history marked by economic challenges. The onset of the Great Depression in 1930 led to bankruptcy for the fledgling company. During this difficult period, the Mooney brothers took on various jobs while Albert continued to nurture the vision of Mooney Aircraft Incorporated, eventually attracting financial support from bankers Charles Yankey and W. L. McMahon. Mooney's inaugural aircraft, the [...]

20 10, 2024

Cessna 152

2024-10-20T09:43:06-05:00October 20th, 2024|Educational|

Cessna 152 Cessna Aircraft By Textron Aviation Clyde Cessna, the visionary behind Cessna Aviation, ignited his passion for aviation at a 1911 exhibition. With a foundation in mechanics and car sales, he crafted his own airplane from a kit, honing his skills as a pilot along the way. In 1916, Cessna seized an opportunity at the J.J. Jones Car Co. warehouse, where he was tasked with building aircraft. The only stipulation? His first creation would proudly carry the [...]

20 10, 2024

Dassault Falcon 7X

2024-10-20T09:31:23-05:00October 20th, 2024|Educational|

Dassault Aviation Founded in 1929 by Marcel Dassault, Dassault Aviation began concentrating on military aircraft. However, the company quickly expanded its portfolio to include commercial and business jets – launching the Mystère IV in the 1950s. Dassault also launches the renowned Mirage series, further cementing its status as a leader in advanced military aviation. In the 1970s, Dassault embraces the business aviation sector by introducing its Falcon series. The Falcon 20 and its successors transformed the business jet [...]

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