VREF Residual Value Report
Every VREF Residual Value Report contains a Matrix of Future Projected Values and a graph containing Retail and Wholesale or FMV and OLV amounts.
Available for all aircraft types, including Helicopters
- Order a Residual Value Report based on your specific aircraft Serial Number and Equipment List
- The Residual Value Report is a future fair market value for a specific aircraft through a particular calendar time frame
- All reports include a forecast of 15 years
Does VREF have a report for every aircraft?
Yes! VREF has the most comprehensive aircraft historical database in the industry with a database of over 7000 aircraft, and you can order a report on every Serial Number. However, VREF suggests that shoppers use their reports as just one important tool, along with a proper USPAP compliant Appraisal and a Pre-Buy inspection to make the best decision.
Who Should Order a VREF Residual Value Report?
A VREF Residual Value Report can be used by anyone who wants to have greater insight into future value projections. You may use a VREF Report to compare the potential financial performance of any helicopter you’re about to buy. Don’t leave your significant purchasing decision to chance or a gut feel. Order a VREF Residual Value Report and understand the actual future value of an aircraft.
VREF Rresidual Value Report is not an appraisal and does not meet USPAP standards and should not be used in place of a formal desktop or on-site appraisal.