Before You Buy, Sell, Finance or Insure…
Know the True Value of Your Aircraft

For over 29 years, VREF has delivered vital aircraft and engine valuation services to the international aviation community. Working with large and small clients alike, VREF protects your best interest by maintaining a neutral, unbiased position with no vested interest in aviation assets. All we do is appraise aircraft, and we make it easy!

~ VREF Online ~
Our Real-Time Valuation Platform

When you need to research, build and collect your own valuations in real-time using the most current aircraft valuation data
Subscribe and access our real-time aircraft valuation platform featuring up-to-date listings of aircraft, engines, optional equipment, performance data and much more. Build and save your own unique aircraft profiles and valuation reports. Two tier levels are available to meet your needs. Subscribe monthly or annually.
~ Quarterly Printed Valuation Guides ~

When you need offline access to historical valuation data at your finger tips – anytime, anywhere
VREF Quarterly Valuation Guides are printed each quarter and serve as a permanent archived record of aircraft values at the time of publication, allowing you to collect and review historical values. Order the current publication, or don’t miss each quarterly publication and save by purchasing an annual subscription.
~ VREF USPAP Compliant Aircraft Appraisals ~
When you need to hire an Accredited Expert to help determine the true value of your aircraft
VREF’s USPAP compliant and ASA accredited “Desktop” aircraft appraisal services are performed by a Senior Accredited Aircraft Appraiser (ASA). We’ll determine the true value of a specific aircraft for you, based on the installed equipment list that includes avionics, optional equipment, STCs, modification or conversions, as well as a set of photos and a comprehensive logbook review.
~ VREF Verified “On-Demand” Reports ~
When you need a fast “Opinion of Value”, order our VREF Verified or Residual Value Report created by an ASA professional
If a fully detailed USPAP appraisal is not required for your needs, a VREF Verified “On-Demand” Report will provide you with a fast and accurate assessment of the value of your aircraft based on the installed equipment, condition, and current market conditions. Each report includes a signed Certificate of Value. NOTE: VREF Verified Reports are not USPAP compliant and should not be used in place of a formal appraisal for financing, estate, legal, or insurance purposes.
~ VREF Advisory Services ~
When you need reliable damage history assessment, diminution of value appraisals, breach of contract disputes and more
VREF specializes in diminution of value assessments and our appraisers are experienced in trial testimony, deposition and corporate litigation. We represent plaintiffs and defendants, insurers, financial institutions and Manufacturers and have testified in both Federal and State Court. Determining damage and diminution of value requires substantial expertise, find out why VREF is the go to source for expert opinions you can trust.
What Our Clients Are Saying
The Very Best
“As a subscriber o VREF for over a decade, I am so happy to give our sales data to a team that understands and appreciates its value. We are happy to be a small part of making this the very best value software in the industry. We are excited to see the direction that Jason and team will lead VREF in the future.”
– Jaime Steel-Potter
Trusted Data
“I always heavily rely on data to make key decisions for all things. VREF has over 25 years of proven historical data that I can rely on make key decisions for both myself and my clients when buying or selling aircraft.”
– David Fitzgerald
Already Great, and Getting Better and Better Each Day
“We have used VREF for years as our primary valuation reference. Since Jason has taken over, the power and information of VREF has improved substantially. I have found the information more accurate to the current market with regular updates. This is extremely important in today’s economic environment. VREF has also expanded the types available and added indexes which has been extremely beneficial. Our firm will continue to use and support VREF moving forward and would recommend this service to anyone looking for valuation support.”
– Keith Hopkinson
Excellent Service
“Using VREF was simple, fast and helpful. The information provided is essential in sale or acquisition of an aircraft. I would use again.”
– David Yates
VREF = Assets
“VREF is an asset to Oshman Aviation that is used daily for critical up-to-date valuation data. Whether we are valuing a trade-in, conducting an appraisal on behalf of a client, or studying market trends, VREF is our trusted tool. There’s no competition to to the accuracy and service VREF provides to our industry.”
– Scott Oshman
VREF Since Inception
“I have been using VREF ever since it started the first publication. Always on top of the market and always right.”
– Wally Zook
Reliable and Up To Date
“Generating accurate and reliable valuations for ourselves, our customers and bankers is essential to our business. VREF’s new management is doing a great job listening to their customers and to providing more useful and accurate information to support that need. Keep up the good work.”
– Jeffrey Owen
I Am Delighted That VREF is Adding, and Delivering Superior Data and Information
“I have been using multiple aircraft value publications since the 1980’s, and I have never seen any of these publications, until now (specifically the VREF) actively attempting to overhaul the amount, accuracy, and format of the data that it reports to its subscribers. It has been my experience that this type of publication usually always – over time, removes data, drops specific makes, and models, and just overall reduces the information that it provides to subscribers. Yes, new makes, and models get added as they are sold as new deliveries, but I have never seen an aircraft value publication go to the lengths that I am seeing VREF attempting to achieve. I am delighted to be a subscriber of VREF.”
– Jeremy R.C. Cox