5 10, 2018

Vref Market Leader Newsletter 2018 Vol 2 Spring

2023-01-22T14:35:20-06:00October 5th, 2018|Market Trend Report Newsletter|

It's the first day of Spring and Agusta National is in full bloom and with warmer weather promising to arrive I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to both introduce my self and provide you with an outlook of what to expect from Vref in the months to come. As I sit behind my desk with a full week under my belt as the new President of Vref there are many things I want to discuss, but [...]

25 09, 2018

Bill Lear: The Learjet and the 8-Track Audio Player

2018-09-25T19:13:47-05:00September 25th, 2018|Educational|

Most people have heard of the Learjet and the 8-track audio cassette, but few associate the two together. Bill Lear was the designer of the Lear Jet executive jet airplane, inventor of the 8-track stereo, and patented several car radios. He was a true pioneer, and visionary. VREF continues to value his products decades after they were first introduced and placed into service and countless others have dedicated their own career to maintaining, operating and piloting Bill’s inventions. [...]

14 09, 2018

The Importance of Getting an Aircraft Appraisal for Your Plane

2019-12-16T14:55:44-06:00September 14th, 2018|Educational|

The Importance of Getting an Aircraft Appraisal for Your Plane If you haven't seen an aircraft appraiser yet, it should be your next priority. Keep reading to learn why getting an aircraft appraisal is so important. Keyword(s): aircraft appraisal If you own a plane and haven't had an aircraft appraisal, getting one done should be a high priority. Whether you're choosing an insurance policy for your aircraft, refinancing a loan, or trying to determine the value of a [...]

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