5 10, 2018

VREF Market Update June 2018

2023-01-22T14:35:10-06:00October 5th, 2018|Market Trend Report Newsletter|

The first Quarter is behind us, and it is less then a month to EBACE. It’s hard to believe that the first half of the year is just about behind us. Just like the temperatures starting rise, aviation is also getting hot or should we say warmer? Activity levels are up, which means there are more active buyers and inventory levels in many categories are trending down. It's the best news many of us have heard in a [...]

5 10, 2018

Vref Market Leader Newsletter 2018 Vol 2 Spring

2023-01-22T14:35:20-06:00October 5th, 2018|Market Trend Report Newsletter|

It's the first day of Spring and Agusta National is in full bloom and with warmer weather promising to arrive I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to both introduce my self and provide you with an outlook of what to expect from Vref in the months to come. As I sit behind my desk with a full week under my belt as the new President of Vref there are many things I want to discuss, but [...]

1 10, 2018

VREF Market Leader Newsletter August 2018

2018-10-01T21:13:03-05:00October 1st, 2018|Market Trend Report Newsletter|

  VREF Market Leader Newsletter August 2018 It’s August and like the weather in most of the United States, Aviation is hot. The EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2018 attendance was higher than anticipated; a whopping 601,000 people entered the gates at Wittman Regional Airport (2% higher than last year).  It was so packed even the over flow parking lots were full mid-week. Excitement was in the air, and it is very exciting news that just about every major manufacturer [...]

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